When sparks fly
I get so frustrated with this weird unfair life ...I wish this world was so different , I was born in. But a even simpler fix would to have been to be born in another body. (female body) there are so many people that are attracted or could be interested in me for whatever reason. but cause my gender (male ) , and or how it's not acceptable to be who you are and like who you want no matter sex ! makes this place for people like me not as happy of a place as it could be . and very unfair as we have no choices with out some kind of negative consequence, fear of what others think ,family members think ,friends and peers think. Thoughts of being less of a man cause you may like another man or devalued as a human in general , cause of some of your sexual attractions there are so many shades of grey of human interactions. We are all made to have lots of interpersonal relationships may it be male and female relationships male and male relationships or having relationships with male and female both its all totally natural and really what were are born to do ...
Ever met someone you think you could be very sexually comfortable , attracted to, have sparks or butterfly's or just wanted to kiss for whatever reason it maybe? (pure animal magnetism) that was to the same sex , and denied because your gender .
cause guys may be afraid of what others may think or call them due to the social norms fag or gay or made to feel like a fag or be made to feel like you are doing something wrong in someone Else's eyes or afraid some kinda negative repercussions of any sort.
Id say I have missed my fair chances with straight men that thought I was attractive
that I could tell we had lots in common or simply had sparks and mesh really well or simply admire you for whatever reason ,and could not simply connect as my gender was wrong ,and it was not socially acceptable ! where they say if you were a girl we be a perfect match
or if you were a girl id fuck you , I mean don't get me wrong... it's not hard to get the secret encounters and what not with the straight men and blow and go's or secret straight lover behind closed doors but even that is somewhat devaluing in some sorta ways as someone would want you secretly but not out and openly
What has this place come to when were have to suppressed our human desires when its not hurting anyone to have them ???
I mean who does it hurt to love who you want if it feels right? or to have sex with who you want if it feels right and its something you want to do ?
I think if everyone was allowed to love who they wanted this world would be much happy place for us all . less divided less confused broken race

just wanted to start my blog again hope you enjoy and stay tuned